Sick, sick, sick
So, has it become a competition now on who is more Lebanese than the other?fine, fine, you are the most perfect political body to be entrusted with the Lebanese nationality, and anyone who dares to disagree with you is just another nation traitor, American worshipper, Israeli agent that emodies pure evil. happy now? Oh and I like the tone. peace-loving and very unity- promotion style. just like it was intended. and the timing? perfect! imagine if the speech was delivered on sunday! how else would we have reminded the sluggish ones to re-load some momentum?
Is it so wrong that some Lebanese may be just as Lebanese as you are? ok, ok, I'll hold till you get the answer back from "other" sources.
alors c cela a quoi ressemble le liban? a une grosse prise de tete?!!
i'll be in BEI by 14/12 1800...
missed u a lot..
ya3neh ba3d bokra?? that's great! w ana kamein :)
hehe good post Eve
Let's paint this on every wall.
Revenge is the fuel for the fires of Hell
thus Satan fears forgiveness
because grace not only quells his flames
it weakens his dominion
Remember: Hatred destroys the vessel that contains it.
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eachtime i see this pic i laugh.. i laugh from sadness!! cant believe how everyone say lebanese ppl are one of the smartest ppl on earth, yet we always manage to destroy our country by all means available and ignore all signs of civilization!!
sometimes laughter can be bitter than tears..
lovely blog you got there eve! this one goes directly into my bookmark! thank you for that! ;)
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